The Command  Board, Your in control  wherever you take it.!
PROBLEM: anyone who has ever responded to the scene of an  incident large or small will have experienced the often  confusing, disorganized and rapidly changing dynamics of a control point.
SOLUTION:  THE COMMAND BOARD is a compact  portable ICS management tool that sets up anywhere in seconds  to enable the user to implement  a structured approach to managing any incident , If you need   to organize an incident control point, to facilitate the immediate capture of information,  to manage and utilize all available resources and personnel as needed  and  to liaise with other agencies as they become involved  the command board is a must .
Used in the USA by the US Marine Corp , Army  , Navy and Airforce  FBI , LAPD ,  ATF , DEA. NASA, and thousands of Law Enforcement Agencies , Fire Departments  and schools  the command board is a proven asset in  any emergency situation  .

Available in in three sizes( compact , standard  & deluxe) The Command Board ICS case  is a low tech solution to the problems of incident management it sets up in seconds and has nothing to break, shutdown or run out of batteries .

The military version of the command board  was used extensivley in Iraq by the US Marine Corp and National Guard units.

Perfect for   duty officers , those working alone or anyone  first on scene the  Command Concepts compact ICS board measures 760mm x 760mm open and a small 350mm x 300mm  closed . It has 4 x A4 padded areas( with clear pockets underneath ) padded forms are held in place by elastic straps on those windy days .  Two small white boards complete the package . Options  include forms packages , a tee card panel (holds  22 tee cards ), small map pockets and  flexible LED lights  

Command Concepts  Standard  ICS board ( great for staging area managment ) comes with 6 A4 padded areas  and 2 white boards  size 800mm x 1440mm open  and 380mm  x  550mm closed  . options include forms package , small or large map pockets , LED lights ,  large Tee card holder ( 88 Tee cards )  and  a range of different screened  white boards


 In short  the Command Board is an essential  incident management tool with which you can  quickly collect record and recall all necessary information as it happens  ,improves on the ground  decision making and makes  hand over   that much simpler.     There are three size boards to suit any situation or organization  and optional forms packages to suit  Fire Agencies, Police, Rescue Authorities , Military, Government Departments , Public Utilities, Schools , Hospitals and major companies .

The deluxe command board is 400mmx 609mm closed and 760mm 1500mm open and comes complete with 4  A4  padded areas , 3 dry erase boards ( 2 screened ) and a large map pocket : options include forms packages , additional map pockets, tee card holders and flexible LED lites

New!  Dry Erase  command Board was originally designed for the L.A.P.D . It can be configured with any of the screened or blank white boards . Comes with 2 small blank white boards and 4 large boards of your chioce , set it  up for tactical entry, major incident or fire management the centre section has space for storage of additional boards

what a great idea for setting up a field briefing piont ( includes gutter hooks )

How simple and effective  is this ? A compact  command board is being used with a custom made slide out drawer . Control piont setup taken care of in seconds ! 

Forms packages are available ( all in Microsoft  Word format )for emergency management of  goverment depts or private  industry  forms can be customized by the user



A complete fire and rescue  forms package is available (  in Microsoft word) with a full range of forms for hazmat , structural ,  wildfire and USAR incidents 

 Screened structural white board  with org chart , sector diagram and grid diagram section 330 x 495mm  improves briefings helps you stay organised

Different screened white boards are availble this one is for tactical entry

Optional map pockets are available for all 3 size boards  .  This one is the large map pocket(550mm x 736mm) which fits either the standard or deluxe boards, and comes with 4 snap rings .  The small map pocket(279mm x 355mm) fits all 3 size boards  they can be used to hold not only maps but SOP,s  contact lists or even a  tablet computer .

Optional  3 AAA battery powered LED light with flexible stem runs for over 50 hrs gets light were you want it when you need it . A must when working  remotely with your command board at night  

Command Concepts Grab and Go emergency pack can be  filled with exactly what you need to help your staff cope effectively with an emergency incident or  evacuation . eg whistle , flashlight door wedges  tabbard , first aid kit , hard hat etc .A must have for chief fire wardens and emergency teams

 Past Incidents have shown that first responders going into a school or business site may not have a copy of the building interior layout  , Grab and Go emergency pack  has  a clear panel to keep copies of your evacuation plan , DG manifest , personell roll or interior layout